Sunday, 7 July 2013

Who is your punching Bag

                                          I spend my leisure time in reading books. Recently I read a book on  “Child Psychology” . I enjoyed reading it . But then suddenly a chapter made me think.

                           Rohan  is a  7 year all rounder.  Recognizing his talent in boxing,  his father enrolls him in a Boxing Academy for training. He also gifts Rohan a punching bag to practice at home. Days pass on and Rohan gets too busy with school and boxing practice.  His parents give him everything that he asks for.  He hardly has any free time to spend with his parents. He gets too tired that he can’t even concentrate on his studies. Gradually his scores drop.  As he is unable to spend time with his parents , a relation that has to be between them starts missing. Teachers and Parents start worrying about his education.  When his parents question him or  teachers confront him , Rohan silently walks into his room closes the door behind him and starts punching the boxing bag as long as his anger doesn’t  subside.  Once his anger calms down , then he becomes normal.  This becomes his routine.

                            Rohan couldn’t take the blame on himself for his failure.  So he starts showing his anger on the punching Bag and takes out his frustration.

                            Isn’t it the same with us ??? 

When  we fail to deliver the work we are assigned …
When we can’t accept reality …
When we can no more bear the burden of failure…
When we realize that our mistake is going to cost others…
When our life is full of confusion..
When we are stuck in the middle of something very important and unable to decide..
When we don’t know what is going on in our life…..
When we know that we are no where near our destination …
When our dreams  are shattered …

                                   Then we start blaming others for our failures.  We start accusing others for our situation.  We take out our frustration on them. We show our anger on them.  We point our fingers at them.  We show someone else as the reason for our failures. In a way , we choose someone as our punching bag for that moment.  Don’t we???  Yes, we do…Everyone does the same.   And most of the times our punching bags are our parents and the ones who love us.  We punch them as much as we can with our words and actions and then try to compensate with a  simple “Sorry”.

                Now the question is  “ Is Rohan behaving like an adult or are we behaving like Kids ?”      .   
                   We are very comfortable using others  as our punching bags. But can we really afford to be someone’s punching bag?  When we can’t take someone’s anger then how can we show our frustrations on them ?  IF IT HURTS US…THEN IT WOULD HURT OTHERS TOO !!!

             You are not a strong person when you lift weights in the gym. You are strong and a matured person when you  take responsibility  for everything you do. 

             Be the master  of  your own emotions …not a slave !!!


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