Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I do not want to be a Beggar my whole Life

                                  In life, experience plays a major role in moulding our thoughts and changing our life. In a way, Experience is the Best teacher in one’s Life.  Until we experience few things and until we come across few situations, we always feel that our point of view is correct. Something of that Sort happened to me.
                                 Last Month  I went to Chennai with my Family . From there we visited Vallankani and stayed there for 2 days.  We stayed in a Hotel there.  I saw a boy working in the lobby. I called him and he came. I started asking his details. His name is Manickkam. He is 12 years old. His Father left his Mother and went away with another woman 4 years back. Manickkam has a younger Brother and younger Sister. He is the Eldest son of the Family. 
After listening all this, I asked him “Do you go to school” ?
                        He said, “No Didi, I don’t have time to go to school. But I send my sister and Brother to school. They go regularly”. While saying these words I could see  light in his eyes. He seemed happy .
                       The responsible Citizen in me suddenly awoke. I remembered my Social responsibility. I never encouraged Child Labor. So I decided to tell him that what he is doing is against Law.
                       Then I started talking to  him “Do you know that Child Labor is a Crime? Your Boss can be arrested for employing a kid under 14 years.  And you will be sent to Rescue home if needed? This is an age where you have to enjoy your Childhood and you should go to School not to Work. You should be educated so that you can settle well in your life and take good care of your family. I will help you financially if you want. Now tell me will you go to school from Tomorrow? “

                      He looked at me as if I was an Alien from Wonderland. He took my hand and led me to the near by small Canteen and said “ Didi , what do you like to have. Tea or Coffee? “. I said Tea . He ordered and sat we there. I was confused at the sudden change in his behaviour.

                      He started speaking. I could see various emotions in his face.  He said “ Didi, My father left us when I was 7 years old. We did not have food for almost 10days. We lived by drinking water. My Mother is Physically Handicapped so no one gave her work to do. My sister & Brother cried because of Hunger. But I was helpless. For the first time I went out and started Begging as I want to feed them at any cost. Begging is not so easy Didi. I experienced how people treat Beggars.  People hate Beggars for no reason. And few others Threw a rupee coin on my face.  And few people threw money on road for me to pick up. By evening all I could gather was  only 20 rupees. I gave all the money to my Mother and she cooked for us. For the first time in 10 days we had something to eat. All cries in my home calmed down. But when I tried to sleep that night, I was unable to. All I could remember was the hatred looks and how I was treated. I cried a lot that day. But then I started thinking. Again tomorrow I have to do something to buy food. I had only 2 choices in front of me. Either to Beg again and forget how people treat  me Or To do something and earn Money. Because what I do today, my Sister and Brother will also do the same tomorrow and follow me. I have to show them a way. That night I went to sleep with a firm decision.  Next morning I went to a near by Hotel and asked the owner to give me work. He asked me to clean Tables and utensils. By evening he gave me 25 rupees. And Didi I was very happy and I felt very proud of myself. From that day on I never went for Begging. I only work and Earn money. I send my brother & sister to school.  I take care of my Mother.  Even if I educate myself to get a Job , this is what I will do. I am doing all that now itself. If you want me to study then again I have to go back to Begging to feed my family. Now tell me Didi. What do you want me to do ??? Do you want me to  lose my shame and go on begging OR Do you want me to earn money with my head held high.  I will do whatever you say because no one ever asked me or cared about me like the way you did. No one ever asked me about my life. Tell me and I will follow your advice.”
                             I was shocked to the core. At an age of 12 years all I knew was going to school, playing with Friends and sleeping in Parents Lap. But this boy saw whole life.  And now what should I answer him. All I said was “Manickkam I am so proud of you. You will be my inspiration from now on. I am glad I came to know you. You are already a responsible Son and Brother.  There is nothing I can tell you. You taught me today how to handle situations and how to live Life. Whatever you do, I am so sure you will never bow your head for money.  
                            I saw a broad smile on his face. For the first time I saw how happy a person can be when he is accepted as he is. Just then Tea came. We both enjoyed for a while and when I was about to pay the Bill  Manickkam winked at me and said , “ Didi, this is my canteen now. With all my 4 years earnings I started this small canteen and my Mother looks after this when I am at work. What if no one gave work to my Mother, I gave her a Canteen of her own.” 

                           Tears of happiness flowed from my eyes and I hugged him. It was the best moment in recent times for me.

                            Now my million Dollar question is
 “ Should we allow Child Labor or Should we encourage Child Begging?”

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