Sunday, 30 June 2013

Relation or Religion ???? What is your Choice?


                                        We never know the reason we meet certain people in our lives..  A few minutes with them will bring in a big change in the way we live and the way we think. May be we are destined to meet them so that we get a better picture about life.
                                         Few days back I have been to a hospital for a check up. I was waiting for my turn. A man in his eighties entered the hospital with a tensed look. He looked so tired.  Looking at his long white beard and white cap on his head one can easily recognize him as a Muslim. He went to the reception and asked the nurse when would the doc come.  The nurse replied that he might be there in 20 minutes and asked him to give his details to write an opt card. He told the nurse that his wife was sick and he brought her to hospital and gave her details. The nurse asked him to get her in so that she could check her B.P and temperature. But surprisingly  he said, “ She can’t sit too long in a chair. I will stay here until doctor comes and then I will bring her when you call her name” . Nurse became impatient and told him very harshly  “Bring her immediately as I have to check her B.P”. He went to bring his wife. I was watching all this and I felt “lucky is his wife who has such a caring husband”. 5 minutes later he walked in holding a woman in his arms. For a moment everyone present in the lobby were confused. The woman wore Sindoor on her forehead and she was a Hindu. I was curious to know their story. Luckily she sat beside me and nurse checked her B.P and Temperature.
                                    I smiled and asked what happened to her health.  She said her she is  Rajamma and last month she underwent a spinal cord surgery.  Because of which  she cannot sit for long time.  I asked her if the man who brought her inside,  holding her is her husband. She shyly replied “Yes”.  Observing the confusion and surprise on my face She continued “ His name is Salim. We lived in the same street. We fell in love. But  I am a Hindu and he is a Muslim. When our parents came to know about our love affair I was house arrested for 2 months. He was sent to his relatives place.  In those 2 months I was confident that our love wouldn’t fade away. I knew one day we would be together. I was emotionally blackmailed. My parents said they would either kill themselves or kill me If I ever spoke to him. He was also tortured by his relatives that Muslims should marry only Muslims and they will not spare any girl from other religion entering their family.This went on for 2 months. After that  he came to his parents house one day.  We met that evening and we only had 15 minutes in our hands to decide our future. We realized that even though there was no communication for 2 months , we still believed each other and our love only grew. And that very moment we decided “ RELATIONSHIP  BINDS TWO HEARTS..NOT RELIGION”.  So we ran from there and got married the next day. From then on families of both sides kept on cursing us every time we tried to contact them.  But all these years there was never a moment where we regretted getting married.  Our love for each other has grown day after day”. 
 I asked her “What religion do your children follow?”
She smiled and said “Love is the religion of my family” .
Just then the nurse called her in and her husband came, held her in his hands and helped her walk.  The love they had was so real. I had tears by the time she finished her story.
                                         Isn’t this a condition of many people in our society? “ United in Love But Separated by Religion”.  Honor killings, religious outrages and many more just to divide 2 people who love each other. 
                                        Why should it always be “Relation Or Religion”.
                                        Why cannot it be “Relation & Religion” ???
                                        At the end of the day only Relation gives you memories. Relation gives you happiness. Relation adds life to your living.  Religion is what you are Born into. Every religion teaches the same thing “To be Human & to love”. Then why can’t we accept people from another religion into our families?   You follow certain Religion because you are born in it. But does that mean we have to sacrifice a relation for religion??  Next time if such question arises to me  I will definitely remember this couple who taught me “ Love is also a Religion”.
                                     Let Religion guide you the way you have to live. Let Religion teach you what is good & what is Bad.  But don’t let Religion dictate and decide  your life & happiness.
                                     Remember, When you die and enter your grave “ Religion will not mourn your loss nor will it remember you.. Only Relation will” !!!!!!

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