Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Strongest Hearts Beat With Most Painful Scars

Tired of trying
Its hurting and paining..
The cut is deeper The wound is severe
The Pain is hard to deal with
The Heart is cracked into pieces within

How long is not the question.......How many times is the question !!! 👈

I do not want to get up anymore
I do not want the wound to heal anymore
I do not want the Bleeding to Stop anymore
I do not want the Scar to Fade anymore.

I just want to leave it the way it is...because
Once I fix myself by pulling every ounce of little strength left in the corners of my Heart
Once I tell myself that Its ok now You can Live your life
Once I gather the confidence to come and face the Crowd all Alone by myself.. 💪

Suddenly out of nowhere Comes Someone.. 💕
Plays with my Emotions as if they are Their fav Toys
Walks all over my Heart as if it is their Playground leaving their Foot Print Behind
Uses my Love to their Advantage and Ignore My Feelings as if they are Invisible
yet again crushes me down to pieces by Walking away after I no longer serve their Need. 💓

Is someones life that easy to be taken granted for?
Will others emotions never count?
Is it always about How to Use ppl to our advantage?

Can it ever Be "Let us Respect their Love and Emotions too"? 🙍


The Painful Memory that my heart bears everyday.
When it takes 2 people to create a Memory.. Then why is that Only One of them has to remember those memories,protect them , nourish them and live with them.
Even if i want to delete you and your memories you left behind, It is impossible as I have to delete myself too.

Wish technology develops to a stage where we can delete ppl with just a button in heart.
If losing my Memory is the only way to Forget you , then I wish God blessed me with that Beautiful Boon.
For living in a world of Nil Memory sounds pretty happy than to live in pain with your memories.  😫

It is pretty stupid to trust people and let them gain access to my heart.

But even I am human. To trust ppl is my weakness. To give love is all that I know.
Even you are Human. To use ppls emotions is all that you know.

Neither you will change nor will I.
This SAGA continues....... 😭😇😊

Its time to Stand Up For myself and Walk Alone....
For the Journey is Mine and I have to reach my Destination.
I have decided to Move on in My journey without You And Do not Search for me where you left me.
You shall never Find me there and Never the same .


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