Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Life is Strange and Our World is definitely Round. 
Few things happen as if they were meant to happen. 
We meet those people whose face we don't want to remember in nightmares either.
That particular day seemed as if every Frame was Pre-designed.
Unexpectedly Met my friend Shanti on my way back from Office and we went to a nearby Restaurant.
We settled in our seats and opened the lid of our Memories Box.

         Just then I heard A Guy sitting behind our Table say
                 "You are my One and Only".

Pretty simple line but it stopped my thoughts right there.
The line was very familiar and so was the voice. I tried to ignore what I heard and the same time I saw Shanti a bit perplexed.Sometimes sixth sense works faster than Common Sense. I couldn't stop myself from turning back to see the Guy. 
And Yes we have Sixth sense for a reason. 

              Looking at him made my heart stop for a minute. With a Rose in one hand and a girls hand in another he was saying some sweet and cheeky lines to her. But the one line he often said was "You are my One and Only." Clearly the girl was swept off her feet. After 2 years I saw Sandesh.

              Slowly past started unwinding in front of me. Shanti , Sandesh and I went to the same college. Sandesh was Tall and handsome with dark looks and Intense features. Moreover he was there for any one who needed help and this made him Ladies favorite. We became very good friends.

              One day he asked me out for lunch.Our first date happened and I was totally floored that very day. 
He said " Don't you think its time for you to acknowledge my feelings. I am girls favorite and you are my favorite. There will always be numerous stars in the sky But only One Moon. You are that Moon for me and I don't want to let you go. Bright up my Sky with your love."

              3 years of Love life and there was not even a single day when he ignored me or cornered me. He asked me not to tell our friends about our relation and I too had no interest in declaring our relationship as it was a private matter. This continued for 3 years and as he promised he never let me down nor did he hurt me once. He always made me feel special, he loved me in a way no one else did. 
Suddenly this love story and My heart too received an awesome crack one day.
                                                  I was passing through the Seminar hall and heard someone say YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY. The voice sounded very familiar so did the line. Crossing my fingers and secretly wishing that guy to be someone else I looked through the window. There with a rose in his hands and the girls hands in another stood my Man of 3 years Sandesh. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't see the girl. Barely managed to walk away from there but very soon I received a call from him. For one last time I wanted to listen to his sweet words and see his super cool personality for which I fell head over heels in love with him.  Strangely I did not want to confront him. I heard many girls gossiping that Sandesh went out with few of them. Totally blind in love that I only laughed at those gossips. Now do I really have the right to question him?
When We met he went on his knees, pulled out an awesome ring from his pocket and popped out the question that I was eagerly waiting to hear from him since 2 years.
 "Will you marry me?"

Shanti tapped on my shoulder and I  came back to Present. She was talking about her life, career and love. And out of nowhere A powerful Explosive Blew on my Face.
"I broke up with Sandesh 2 months back," she said. "What ?" I almost screamed.
He proposed me 2 years back in college.In the Seminar Hall which was our regular love spot.
                YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY he promised but later I found out that he is just a player with a Gentleman Image which he created for himself. He is not the kind person we all witness. He uses Sympathy to make girls fall for him. He has a Ring for every girl he goes out with. Once she accepts and they make out, slowly he uses his family as an excuse to distance himself from commitment. I had a live in relation with him and found all this only after I was totally Used and Discarded. No regrets though.
Every word that she spoke hit me like a Missile. Lots of questions confused me that moment.
I somehow managed to finish the dinner and we came out quietly.
That night I took out my old dairy and opened the page where I wrote on the day of my break up.
"You Broke my Heart in a way that No other Guy can Fix it
You Broke my Trust and I can no longer Trust a true Gentleman
I might forget you one day ; I might forgive you one day
But I can never fall in Love any day. "

Closing the diary I looked at my Ring finger. 
It looked Pretty and Beautiful without any Ring or String attached to it.
A smile escaped my lips and I am glad that the day he went on his knees for me
And What more I am more than Happy to be SINGLE .

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