Sunday, 26 October 2014

Senzai Ichiguu - A life time Chance

                                    You never know where a journey leads you unless you complete it. If everything goes according to your plan then why is God there for . You plan something and go but when you reach there the outcome is totally different. 

                                   But for sure a SENZAI ICHIGUU can happen when you do not even dream about it.  Well It happened to me in a very strange way.
                                    Two weeks back I was totally busy with my tight schedule of treating patients, charting out Social work, planning my next phase of green project. No time to spare  for other things. Suddenly one day I received a text message from Manju Latha , the creator of Rice bucket challenge. She asked me if I could come over and render my support for her challenge in a TV program. The shooting was to take place in Hyderabad and that too it was just two days after. I hardly had 4 hours to decide if I have to go or not.  The more I thought about it, the more I felt there is no way I can go. Even if I said Yes, still I am not sure if I can get tickets for the very next day. Even if I get tickets, I am confused what I will be doing there in the show. But before I could give any excuses to her, my brother got a ticket confirmed for my journey and my parents wanted me to go.  So finally I said Yes. She could have had anyone on the show to support her, but she preferred to chose me and I did not want to let her down.
I quote this as "An Unwilling Journey" because every time I had to travel away from my parents, I feel separated.
                                  I boarded the train and occupied my berth. I always prefer day journey with side upper berth as it keeps me isolated and I enjoy my journey by reading a book. This time I was busy talking to my friends about relief work that we were planning for Hudhud Victims in Vizag. Train reached Eluru and an elderly lady came and sat next to me. She got side lower berth. Soon we both started conversing. She is Dhanalaxmi , 58 yrs old and she was headed to Hyd for some function. She over heard me talking about relief work and rice bucket challenge. She asked me to explain what it was and I told her about both and we talked for few hours.After having lunch, we occupied our respective berths to catch some sleep. By the time I woke up , she was already awake. We exchanged phone numbers and talked over tea. When train was about to reach Hyd, she suddenly took a 500 rupee note and gave it to me. She said, " As of now I do not have much to give you for the relief work you are planning to do. But once I reach home I will send you more. And from today I will take up rice bucket challenge. Daily I will keep some rice aside into a container and once it is full I shall distribute it. You inspired me a lot and I have never met a young girl like you who is after social service and not after boys.You are a daughter I never had". I was shocked to hear this at first but then I realized how amazing lady she is. Trusting a stranger whom you met on a train is not a usual sight these days. Her wonderful gesture changed my opinion to some extent. She taught me that no matter how many cheaters you come across, still there are people who make us believe in trust.
                                    Next day I went for shoot and there I met the lady herself Manju Latha. It gives you a kind of power to look ahead when you meet people who are as determined as you are when it comes to a dream you have to chase. Felt the same when we spent time together. That’s when it happened. Few college students who were there for the shoot came over and asked me if I was some actress. I was laughing my heart out when Manju replied them that I act in "Pasupu - kumkuma" and a girl came forward and asked me for autograph. The most hilarious and heart touching incident I can never forget. We had a great time shooting and also the students were a delight to hangout.We spoke about "three plant challenge" and the social work. I could not spend much time as I had to meet my best friend and I was running out of time. When I bid them good bye one boy came to me and said " All this while I was so depressed about my future. But talking to you filled me with new spirit and gave me much needed motivation. You are my celebrity whom I will remember always". I was speechless. Wished him good luck and moved from there.  

                                     From there I rushed to be with my friend. She is my very close friend and we bonded a lot over cold coffee for an year. From boys to breezers we bond over anything. Its been 4 long years that we were not in touch and we wanted to spend at least few minutes together. The long ,warm hug that you get once you meet your loved ones, boosts up your energy and we could not let go each other from that hug. Hugs and kisses followed and then to my surprise she said that she will go home late as we don't know when we will meet again.Our fav Cold Coffee, conversations, fun, photos, food a lot happened and the gap of 4 years mattered nothing. Had a wonderful blast and well we had to leave. The 5 minutes of meeting we planned turned out to be a few hours memorable time. And till the next time we meet, no matter how many years it takes, these memories keep our relation alive. 

                                       I went on this unwilling journey with half heart. I did not even know in the first place why Manju chose me to be there. But today when I look back , everything makes sense. All the pieces put together made a formed special part of my life.  

Meeting Dhana laxmi aunty taught me to trust no matter who cheats. The young student on the sets may be needed my words to get motivated. And the time I spent with my Bestie was written before itself. I am pretty sure none of this would have happened in the same way or in a better way even if I planned all this before.  

All this is Destiny. And the "UNWILLING JOURNEY turned out to be SENZAI ICHIGUU". 
A big thankyou to Manju Latha for inviting me.
If not for her , I would not have even dreamed about any of these incidents. 
 Went with less hope And I came back with a Life time Memories to cherish. THATS DESTINY FOR YOU.  

 It is a Japanese word used for a very rare happening that has touched your life and remained with you ever since. 
 I had my Senzai Ichiguu moment. What about you?  

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