Saturday, 17 January 2015

Daddy or Mummy ... Whom Do you love the most ???

Whom Do you love the most.... Mummy or Daddy ?
Ever faced this question as a child ?
Ever asked any child the same question ?

"A lot of times" will be our answer. And we also know the world famous reply children give to this world  famous question. Boy says he loves his mother and Girl says she loves her father. 

Once try to remember your answer that you gave as a kid. 
Now I am asking you the same question. 
"Whom do you love the most .. Mummy or Daddy? "  Keep your answer on hold.
Before you give your answer , wait until you read the story below.

Few days back I went to my cousin Rupa's house. She has a daughter aged 3years, Chandana. Rupa's husband works in Dubai. He visits them once in a year and spends one month with his family. As it was Christmas he came home and there were relatives too. All the day Rupa was busy attending to Chandanas needs. 

As all kids do, Chandu (chandanas pet name) was giving her mother tough time. She was throwing milk here and there, spilling food, pouring water everywhere,tearing new papers. In simple words, chandu made the total house a mess in less than an hour. Rupa cleaned all that without complaining nor shouting at the kid. I was surprised at the patience level a mother can have. May be only a mother can have. We all had our breakfast but Rupa still was busy with her kid that she did not even bother about her own self.
We all sat down to talk while chandu was playing with the new toys her dad bought for her.

Suddenly one of the relatives asked Chandu "Whom do you love the most .. Mummy or Daddy? "
Chandu looked at her, gave a big smile and shouted " I love my Daddy". Saying so she ran into her fathers arms and he kissed her with pride.
At that same moment, I turned to see Rupa and I saw a clear disappointment on her face. All the glow that she had on her face till now seemed to fade away.

So I walked to her and sat next to her. The words she spoke next made me think.
" It was not an easy ride for me after marriage. When we came to know that I am pregnant, he asked me to quit my job and stay at home. I gave up my dream job because I thought my kid comes first and then my dreams. The 9 months of pregnancy period was lot more tiring. My total health got disturbed. Still i put up with all that because for me my child mattered the most. Then on the delivery table I almost died. But when I woke up and saw the baby I forgot all the pain I went through. From then on till now, I never thought about myself. My day starts with Chandu and ends with her. In the past 3 years, my husband spent just 5 months with us. It was me who looked after every little detail that is related to my child.  
But do you realise how lucky her father is? He gets all her love. See even now she said she loves her father. What about me ? Don't I deserve to get that love? Anyway this is what happens to every mother. Now I realise how much it must have hurt my mother whenever I said I love my father the most. Tables have turned now."

Just then Chandu came to us. With a smile on her face my cousin said,"I will change her diaper and come." That very moment I realised a lot.

Why do we ask kids this stupid question? 
Why should we ask them to choose between their parents who gave them life?
Why are we telling them that mother and father are not one?
Who gave us the right to create a difference in their tender minds ?
Why don't we realise that mother and father are equally important for a child?
Why should it always be Daddy vs Mummy ? 
Why can't it be Daddy and Mummy?
The truth is both mother and father strive hard in their own ways to give their children the best of the world. So why choose one of them when both of them together gave birth to you ???

Before the conversation I had with Rupa, even I was the girl who never let a chance go out of hand to tell the world that I love my Dad the most. How foolish I was. It pinched me when I thought what my mother must have felt all these 30 years. The next thing I did was to call my mother and say "Ma, I love you".

Now that you read the story,  remember your answer you gave as a kid.
What will be your answer now ???


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