Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Her Kiss breathed Life into his Soul



                                                       As she went on her knees and proposed him, he couldn't react for a minute. The very next moment he said "YES" picked her up. She kept the ring to his finger and kissed him on his forehead. That was the best proposal I ever witnessed and I found myself wiping my tears. This is the most common proposal for most of us the only difference is the girl went on her knees. But trust me, by the time you finish reading this real life story you too will wipe your tears.
                                                      Sanjay, I met this guy through my friend Vidya. He is tall,handsome and behaves like a true gentleman. The first impression he leaves on others is very strong that you can't stop respecting him. That day being Vidya's birthday we went out to celebrate. Two things were clear for anyone who was watching them. Vidya is head over heels in love with him and Sanjay did not like people touching him. Even when she was about to give him cake, he took a step back and maintained distance. It was quite surprising. Though she felt sad, she managed a smile on her face all that time. As a matter of fact, he did not allow anyone to touch him that's what I felt. When we were about to leave a bike came so rashly. She was very close to the bike. Instead of pulling her back, he jumped and stood in front of her and was hit by the bike. Though it was a small scratch he got, the whole incident looked very weird and odd to me.
                                                      In these days where Physical intimacy and show off is the bread and butter of people in love, this Sanjay stood out from that crowd. Later that night Vidya said , " He has a very caring heart and loving personality. He never does or says anything that hurts me. He is the prince charming every girl could ever dream of. But I don't know the reason why he never even allows me to walk hand in hand with him. Not just me, he doesn't like even his best friends patting him on the shoulder. This is something that is troubling me. Though he did not propose me still, will he ever accept me if I propose? " After listening this I was sure that one day this girl might get hurt because of her love. Days were passing by and Sanjay became a very good friend of mine. One day I got a call from him when I was about to leave for work. His voice was a bit shaky. He asked me if I could meet him for an hour. I had to choose between my work and a friend in need. So I took late permission and went to meet him.
                                                After few minutes of silence he started speaking " I know Vidya loves me and wants to build her future with me. But I cannot allow that to happen. You are her close friend so please convince her to back off before she gets hurt. I cant give you reasons for this. You alone can do this because you are best at understanding someones pain.Can you do this for me?" These words came so smoothly from him that I was confused for a moment if he was asking me a favour or doing her a favour.
                                                I said ,"Unless you tell me the exact reason for your behaviour and this meeting I cannot help you. There is something bothering you for a very long time. And I guess this is the right time to let it out if you think Iam the right person to hear.May be I can be of help then".
                                              He continued," OK. You are not someone who judges a person blindly. So I am telling you the real reason. My Father died because of HIV". I looked at him and he continued without raising his head. " He died when I was 5 years old. Relatives and neighbours did not even attend his funeral. In school, children did not like to sit next to me.They did not allow me to play with them.Though I tried to go near them and play they ran from there. At home neighbours stopped talking to us. All the time I could see my mother crying. As a kid I couldn't understand what was the reason for this sudden change in my life.For me what I needed was kids to play with and study with.But no one came near me. Two months later my mother committed suicide and died. I was left all alone by myself. That's when my school principal took me under his wings.He got admission for me in a boarding school and he looked after my needs and everything. He was The only man who hugged me after my parents died. I longed for that touch,a kiss, a hug from people. But they shut their doors on me. So I shut my heart from them.For them I am just the son of parents who died of HIV.All I ever wanted was to grow up fast and show them that I am more than that.The wounds and scars from that incident never left me.I give love to others unconditionally but I cant let someone near me. The hug my principal gave me was the last touch I ever felt.After he died I became orphan again. Though I managed to settle well now,still the fact is my parents died of HIV.I cant take it if Vidya leaves me after learning about the truth. Is this reason enough for you to convince her to move on " ??
                                              I sat there at loss of words looking at him. His eyes became red and my heart weighed heavy.I saw his hands trembling and without a second thought I took his hands and held them.He did not take them back nor did he try to.Tears kept rolling from his eyes and that was the first time ever I saw a man cry. Trust me it was heart melting to witness a guy cry.Unlike the saying "NEVER TRUST A MAN WHO CRIES" I always thought Men have the right to cry too. Few minutes later he pulled himself together and smiled. May be the so far rough heart got a crack, may be the tears melted his years pain,may be the person who gave love all this while is the person who actually needed it. After half an hour or so we left from there. My mind was full of questions and all i could think was how cruel the society can be. The next day I gathered my guts together to speak to Vidya. She listened to every word i spoke. She broke into tears and she sat there in her room all night alone without talking to anyone. The following day she came to me and said "Call Sanjay and ask him to meet us in the evening.You are coming with me and don't ask anymore questions". There was no harshness when she spoke. It was a determined voice and I wondered what she was going to do.
                                               When we met in the evening few minutes of silence prevailed between us. Though I did not understand what I was doing there I couldn't initiate the conversation. Then the missiles started firing from Vidyas words. She turned to me and said "You are the witness to what I am saying and what I am  about to do." I nodded and she looked at Sanjay.
                                             "So you are the Son of parents who died of HIV. This fact doesn't change a bit even after you die.Does that mean you have to die with that tag. I might get a man with better parental background but I want no one except you.Instead of looking yourself as what others called you hold my hand and walk with me.As days pass by you will be see yourself as a loving husband and adoring father to our kids.In the long run we may fight,argue and even come to a point where we break up. I am ready for everything. But do not let this past injury of yours be the reason for the end of our yet to begin love journey.Let we be the sole reason for our happiness,arguments,fights,makeup and breakup."
                                            Saying so she went down on her knees,took out a ring and said the best words I ever heard " Sanjay I promise that I shall hold your heart till the end and will never leave you alone.I love you no matter who's son you are. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
                                           He couldn't react for a minute. The very next moment he said "YES"  and picked her up.She kept the ring to his finger and kissed him on his forehead. As I wiped my tears they came to me and hugged with much happiness. Last year they walked down the aisle hand in hand and got married.


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Daddy or Mummy ... Whom Do you love the most ???

Whom Do you love the most.... Mummy or Daddy ?
Ever faced this question as a child ?
Ever asked any child the same question ?

"A lot of times" will be our answer. And we also know the world famous reply children give to this world  famous question. Boy says he loves his mother and Girl says she loves her father. 

Once try to remember your answer that you gave as a kid. 
Now I am asking you the same question. 
"Whom do you love the most .. Mummy or Daddy? "  Keep your answer on hold.
Before you give your answer , wait until you read the story below.

Few days back I went to my cousin Rupa's house. She has a daughter aged 3years, Chandana. Rupa's husband works in Dubai. He visits them once in a year and spends one month with his family. As it was Christmas he came home and there were relatives too. All the day Rupa was busy attending to Chandanas needs. 

As all kids do, Chandu (chandanas pet name) was giving her mother tough time. She was throwing milk here and there, spilling food, pouring water everywhere,tearing new papers. In simple words, chandu made the total house a mess in less than an hour. Rupa cleaned all that without complaining nor shouting at the kid. I was surprised at the patience level a mother can have. May be only a mother can have. We all had our breakfast but Rupa still was busy with her kid that she did not even bother about her own self.
We all sat down to talk while chandu was playing with the new toys her dad bought for her.

Suddenly one of the relatives asked Chandu "Whom do you love the most .. Mummy or Daddy? "
Chandu looked at her, gave a big smile and shouted " I love my Daddy". Saying so she ran into her fathers arms and he kissed her with pride.
At that same moment, I turned to see Rupa and I saw a clear disappointment on her face. All the glow that she had on her face till now seemed to fade away.

So I walked to her and sat next to her. The words she spoke next made me think.
" It was not an easy ride for me after marriage. When we came to know that I am pregnant, he asked me to quit my job and stay at home. I gave up my dream job because I thought my kid comes first and then my dreams. The 9 months of pregnancy period was lot more tiring. My total health got disturbed. Still i put up with all that because for me my child mattered the most. Then on the delivery table I almost died. But when I woke up and saw the baby I forgot all the pain I went through. From then on till now, I never thought about myself. My day starts with Chandu and ends with her. In the past 3 years, my husband spent just 5 months with us. It was me who looked after every little detail that is related to my child.  
But do you realise how lucky her father is? He gets all her love. See even now she said she loves her father. What about me ? Don't I deserve to get that love? Anyway this is what happens to every mother. Now I realise how much it must have hurt my mother whenever I said I love my father the most. Tables have turned now."

Just then Chandu came to us. With a smile on her face my cousin said,"I will change her diaper and come." That very moment I realised a lot.

Why do we ask kids this stupid question? 
Why should we ask them to choose between their parents who gave them life?
Why are we telling them that mother and father are not one?
Who gave us the right to create a difference in their tender minds ?
Why don't we realise that mother and father are equally important for a child?
Why should it always be Daddy vs Mummy ? 
Why can't it be Daddy and Mummy?
The truth is both mother and father strive hard in their own ways to give their children the best of the world. So why choose one of them when both of them together gave birth to you ???

Before the conversation I had with Rupa, even I was the girl who never let a chance go out of hand to tell the world that I love my Dad the most. How foolish I was. It pinched me when I thought what my mother must have felt all these 30 years. The next thing I did was to call my mother and say "Ma, I love you".

Now that you read the story,  remember your answer you gave as a kid.
What will be your answer now ???


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