Friday, 4 April 2014


                                              Dumping became the new Fashion in this fast track world. We are too busy with our lives that we hardly care about what's happening around us. Or may be we just give it a blind eye so that we can escape our responsibility towards society. This incident is giving me sleepless nights since past 3 months. Till date it haunts me as i was unable to do anything about this. I feel so ashamed for not acting on this matter till now. Today it happened in my own home town. 

                                            In January 2014, I came across a news article in my district edition. A just born baby was left in the dump yard behind Govt.Hospital , Eluru. Baby was hardly 2 hours old. People working in the dump yard heard baby cry. By the time they reached there, the baby died. Baby did not die a natural death. She was stripped and bitten by stray dogs & pigs ate her flesh by piercing the sensitive body. Almost intestines came out and baby was covered totally in blood. What a terrible death for a baby who didn't even open her eyes. After reading the news i was totally disturbed for the whole day. 

                                              As days passed by, almost every other day i read about such incidents. Infants who are just hours old are being dumped in the dustbin behind the Govt.Hospitals and are left to their fate which is nothing but death. And that death was in the hands of Dogs and Pigs. I read of about 12 infant deaths in this way in just a span of 2 months. I thought about this a lot. But couldn't come to a possible conclusion as of what is the main reason behind this. I called up the News Reporter who had been reporting this news all this while. I asked him the details and what he told me made me speechless.
                                             He said, " Madam, there are many infant deaths that go unreported. Daily at least 3 babies are dumped in Dustbins and they die this way.The mothers of these infants are aged between 17 - 22 years and most of them are students. This is the result of unwanted pregnancy. There is nothing much that we can do about this. Even hospital authorities know that such incidents happen but still they do not report to police because all they need is money. Only some NGO or private organisations should take care about this."
                                             For the next 2 days i contacted many authorities to get more information about this. The info i gathered was even more moving.
                                             Infant deaths were once reported mostly in agency areas and tribal areas. This was because they were uneducated, illiterates, poor and women there were raped by high class people and later left to their fate. Women living in tribal and agency areas were left with no option but to kill the child who was the result of adulteration & rapes. This can be justified to some extent. But as of now, such infant deaths are being reported mainly in cities and that too the age of mother is not exceeding 22 years. This is the result of unwanted pregnancy,illegitimate affairs, sleeping in the name of love to get over with pleasures, adulteration and sleeping for luxuries. 
                                           Who should be blamed for this ?  For sure I am not going to question Men.  The total blame is on women this time. 

What a shame on such women. How can they ever be called Mothers? 

Is this why we call our Country a place of traditions, values and morals ?

Is this how you are supposed to kill your blood ?  

When you know how to take care of your pleasures, don't you know to take protection ?

Why should a baby die for your sins ?

When you know you are not gonna take responsibility of the baby , why cant you get aborted in the start itself? 

Wont this sin of yours haunt you for your life time? 

We make a big scene when our finger gets cut while doing cooking. Then can't you imagine how much it pains for a baby who is being pierced, bitten and eaten by animals while they are alive ?

 I am falling short of words now. 
                                               All the so called young, educated girls who are responsible for such child deaths , please think once. When you know you are pregnant and you don't want the child, please kindly get aborted. Killing a foetus that has no life is better than killing a child who has a right to live.

                                              If you can't get aborted and you give birth to a child, please do not throw them in the dustbins. Leave them in the hospital or atleast on the steps of some orphanage. For gods sake, let the child live.  Do not punish the child for your mistake. There are many women who do not have children. Kindly give your child for adoption if you feel child is burden for you. Do not kill the child.

                                              Its a kind request for such women who are pathetic, void of humanity and who leave a black mark on motherhood. Please let the child live.

                                                As a part of my responsibility I spoke to govt authorities concerning to this department ,Women & child welfare development authority and also with few political leaders. Talks are in progress. Very soon when I am granted permission by the concerned authorities, I am planning to start an orphanage for these kids. It may take time and it may be tough. If  we are able to save at least one child from dying in the dump yard, then that's what gives us a right to live.If anyone interested to join hands in this work, they are welcome. If anyone has any ideas and suggestions about this ,then please post your valuable words. 

                        " DUMP YOUR PREGNANCY ... NOT YOUR CHILD "


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