Friday, 18 October 2013

Just because I slept with you, doesnot mean I love You !!!!


                                     The past few days have been very tiring and disturbing for me on professional front. Might be this is a sensitive issue and delicate topic I am going to write about. Might be this is a very bold decision to pen it down. They say “Pen is mightier than Sword”. Let me use my pen to let the world know how this one sentence “Just because I slept with you , doesn’t mean I love you”  can be the cause of someone’s death.

                                      Last week , a lady came to my clinic. She said that her husband is a paralysis patient and asked me if I could come to her house and take a look at his condition. She looked beautiful for her age but I felt there is some pain deep in her heart that her eyes are trying to shed out. Before we could complete the formal talk we reached her house. As we entered the house I felt as if I was entering some mini palace.  Everything in the house reflected the taste of Wealthy people. It is very clear that they are rich in assets. She took me to her husbands room. What I saw just shocked me to the core. I saw a man in his 40’s lying on bed with paralysis and he is staring at a photo in his hands. People do get paralysis these days but not so early in age. Analyzing the situation I felt that there is some problem that made him go under severe stress. I started testing him. By the time tests were over , I came to a conclusion that it was some shocking news that made him paralyzed. Even before I finished my words I could hear sobs. I raised my head to find the lady crying.
                                    She herself started saying “ My husband was a business man. After marriage we went to Hyderabad. My husband did Real estate business and he earned well. We have only one daughter. She was everything to us. She was an Engineering student and her father wanted to send her overseas for further studies too. Being the only child we loved her a lot and we provided her everything even before she asked. Everything was happy in our lives. One day she came home crying. We asked her many times but she did not speak a word. Concerned about her state, my husband called her friends and enquired as of what happened. One of her friend told that my daughter was in love with someone and that must be the issue. We were very worried because we never saw her in tears. Late night she came out of her room and sat beside her father in the sofa and started to speak. She said that she was in love with her classmate. They were very much in love and that closeness and madness in love lead to physical relation between them. To our shock  she revealed that she became pregnant. Out of anger my husband slapped her.  After few minutes passed my daughter continued, I told him that I was pregnant. But what he said killed me emotionally. 
              He said “ Just because I slept with you, doesn’t mean I love you”. It was what all lovers do. I am not going to marry you.” 
Saying these words my daughter broke down. Seeing her plight we both could not control our tears too. That incident changed our lives totally. We tried to calm down our daughter and after sometime she went into her room. We went into our room but none of us slept. The next morning we went to her room to wake her up. We were shocked at what we saw. Our daughter committed suicide by hanging herself. Looking her in that state my husband went into deep shock and got paralysis attack immediately.
My daughter wrote a note “ I slept with you because I loved you” .

By the time she finished telling this I found myself too emotional to speak and being a professional I had to control my tears.  I came out with a very heavy heart.

Is it just this one family that lost their girl for being pregnant before marriage??
Was their girl the only daughter who was cheated in the name of love?
Was she the only girl who shattered after hearing what her lover said??
Many girls are out there in this world who experience such situation. But then if we think , whose fault is this? It is the fault of every girl who allows her guy to take advantage of her. It is the fault of every guy who takes the love of his girl for granted. It is the fault of this generation which thinks Physical relation is the best way to express love. What the hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear gentlemen,
If a girl sleeps with you, that means she trusts you as her future.
If a girl lets you touch her, that means she believes you love her.
If a girl shares her bed with you, that means she loves you more than anything else(even her self).
Please don’t misuse her trust. You never know for who’s death you will be the reason because you broke their heart after sleeping with them. You might be happy for now , but for sure in future you will face the worst. A girls tears will never leave you in peace.

Dear wonderful ladies,
If a guy really loves you, he will never try to exploit you or manipulate you to sleep with him.
If a guy really loves you, he will never use you.
And you please don’t send him wrong signals.
You might not know what’s happening to you. Might be you are being the reason for breaking his heart too. Heart break effects both the genders in the same way.
If you cant control your emotions, then don’t expect him to control his emotions.
And above all you never know how you are breaking your parents trust !!!!

He said, “Just because I slept with you, does not mean I love you” .
He just said and was the reason for a girls death and a family’s miserable state.

If you are reading this please just think once. You can never imagine  how emotional burden it will be for a girl to cope up with the aftermath. Not every girl will be able to leave the crap behind and move ahead. And you will never get forgiveness for using a girl for your cheap pleasure in the name of love. Same applies to girls too. Don’t break a guys heart. Even you cant get away with that.

Now my question is :
Is sleeping with the one you love the only way to let them know you love?” or
“Is that an excuse to get away with your physical desires?”
Think and get an answer for yourself.


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